A request to set up a committee to investigate the situation of Human Rights of Amazigh people in North Africa

Subject: A request to set up a committee to investigate the situation of Human Rights of Amazigh people in North Africa
Dear Mr President,
Dear Honourable Members of the European Parliament,
We are pleased to inform you that a delegation of Amazigh (Berbers) representatives were received by Mrs. Isabelle Drant, Vice-President of the European Parliament, and by Mr. Oriol Junqueras with which we had a very important and constructive discussion. The Amazigh representatives have emphasized the situation of Amazigh (Berbers) people and serious violations of Human Rights in Tamazgha (North Africa) accompanied by three reports describing basic Human Right violation in Morocco, Algeria and the Twareg country. At the moment we were only able to provide the English translation of the report concerning Morocco.
We bring to your attention that the Amazigh World Congress (CMA) is an NGO that defends the rights and interests of the Amazigh people. The CMA was created in Saint Rome de Dolan in 1995 in response to the historical expectation of Imazighen (Berbers). It includes individuals, Associations and socio-cultural Organizations of Amazigh nature in different countries of North Africa and also within the Diaspora in Europe and North America. The CMA has set as its main objective as the gathering of all Activist wills for a social project based on the values of freedom, tolerance, democracy, secularism, respect for human rights and friendship between individuals and peoples.
The Amazigh World Congress is asking for your kindness and your intervention to end the abuses suffered by Imazighen (Berbers) and asks you to conduct an inquiry on the ground on these serious violations of individual and collective rights of Amazighs in North Africa, including Morocco, Algeria and Tuareg country.
Yours faithfully,
Signed: Rachid Raha
President for Europe of the CMA